Friday, May 29, 2009

Personal Vaporizers (a.k.a. E-cigs)

I have been a cigarette smoker for far too many years and have tried to quit many, many times. However I am weak when it comes to beating this addiction and always seem to relapse. Yep, being dumb in your youth still can haunt you in your adult life. -sigh-

Low and behold a new product comes on the market to help people get away from cigarettes. Enter the personal vaporizer (PV) otherwise known as an E-cig (electronic cigarette).

Here are a few pics...

An "E-cig" is an electrical device that creates a vapor to be inhaled which contains varying strengths of nicotine or even none at all. They come in many sizes and color configurations. Some look like real cigarettes and others that look like something from your toolbox! No, they are not the asnwer to nictine addiction. Just a safer, arguably cheaper, and public friendly way of receiving the nicotine that one is addicted to.

Now, the first thought everyone has is "What is the point? You are still feeding a nicotine addiction!" Well, that is true. However, by using a PV you are eliminating the other 400+ chemicals you were putting into your body. That includes carbon monoxide, tar, arsenic, formaldehyde, and many other known carcinogens. I think simple logic would indicate this has to be healthier than any tobacco cigarette on the market.

I have decided to give these things a try to just see if if they can get me away from the real thing. I suggest that if you know a smoker that wants to quit and has tried all the different methods without success that this might be something for them to look in to. For more info they can check out the E-cigarette forums. The one piece of advise I can give is to do as much research as possible on the subject before just jumping in.

1 comment:

ChrisP said...

Quitting smoking is the MOST important decision you'll ever make in your life, for you and your loved ones. It is better to start Now, because the longer you stay on it, the more damage it will do to your body.