Monday, May 25, 2009

Time To Move On

As some of you may know, I was the match director for the Arizona chapter of ACTS. The operative word there is "was".

I had been wanting my assistant to take things over for the past 4-5 months but he wanted no part of it. Frankly, I don't blame him. For the most part it is a thankless job and a lot of responsibility and headaches. The very reasons I wanted out myself. I am happy with and proud of what I accomplished for our chapter. It has survived and grown in every aspect but it was time for me to move on.

Anyways, a situation arose that allowed me to pass the torch to another of the core members. I know the match is in good hands with him. We already have a great crew in place and he, the new MD, has the vision to see what makes a match good. Over the past 15 months of me being the MD ACTS has grown more than I had hoped for and I see this trend continuing under the new leadership. I think we are in for some great matches here in the very near future


cmblake6 said...

Relax. Enjoy your new freedom, and prepare for when the shtf.

Kelly said...

Yeah, I plan to!

Now I will have a little more time to work on my other passion which is restoring old cars. Hey, you gotta have a fast getaway car when the SHTF! LOL!