Monday, December 22, 2008

STICKY Post: December ACTS Match

Well, we finally had an ACTS match in December. The first year in AZ our group was without a range. Second year the weather killed it. I guess the third time is the charm as we had one helluva match today!

We had 28 shooters in all and I was truly shocked that we ended up with such a heavy turnout only 5 days before Christmas. I also think this was one of the most fun and challenging matches we have ever done. I hope all the shooters feel the same as I do and, by the few I was able to talk to, it appears so.

We ran three stages this month. Here are vids from each one of our stages.

Stage I was called "Boxed In!". Basically you are trapped in your vehicle and must defend your position.

Stage II was titled "Officer Down!" You come to the aid of a downed officer while fighting through BG's.

Stage III was the "Bug Out Truck" This was a very challenging stage for everyone who shot it. Oh, yea, it was fun as well!

Now, I'm freakin' exhausted so I'm going to bed!

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